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Luceco LED Lighting

Luceco LED lighting products are the very latest in lighting technology. Luceco is a part of Nexus Industries, an established UK manufacturer, based in Telford. We are currently stocking the full range from Luceco including indoor downlights, spotlights, LED panels and pendents. There is a small range of LED bulbs including a LED GLS and GU10. Outdoor LED bulkheads and security lights.


Lighting tends to account for around 15% of electrical bills in typical households, so all home owners should make themselves aware of the benefits of using low energy LED lighting in place of the traditional light bulb where appropriate.


Conventional incandescent, tungsten, and filament light bulbs convert very little of the electricity that they consume into actual light – most of this energy is wasted as heat, which has the added disadvantage of shortening the life of fittings and shades. These bulbs also have very short lives, generally providing only around 1,000 hours of light.


On the other hand, low energy LED lighting produces a far more efficient light to heat ratio – dramatically more so than traditional bulbs, and even more than halogen lighting. While expending far less energy, a typical LED bulb will burn for a staggering 30,000 hours. LED lighting is so efficient that you could go decades before being forced to change the bulb.


Instead of burning out and leaving you in the dark, LED light bulbs. The upfront cost might be a little higher, at the moment, but this is reducing all the time and due to its sheer longevity, the LED bulb will more than pay its way.


This energy efficiency also means LED lighting is friendly to the environment. Reduced energy consumption means a drastically reduced CO2 cost, but this is really just the start. What’s more, as LED illumination requires only a low-voltage power supply, such bulbs can be easily connected to external solar-energy providers.


LED lighting previously suffered from a degradation in the colour of light, which gave its output a bluish tinge. This flaw has now been eliminated, with newer models producing the familiar clean, white light of a traditional bulb. Now that this issue has been addressed, LED lighting is truly the most versatile option for any style or type of setting.


LEDs can be combined and arranged to produce the most efficient illumination for your room, and can be individually dimmed to provide total control over the space’s light.  Low energy LED lighting is perfect for your home or work place – cost-effective, environmentally friendly and highly stylish. Here at Sparks Warehouse, we supply a range of products to meet your needs, so contact us today and let us illuminate you!

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